
Pictorialism was the first real style in the history of photography, aiming at the recognition of an artistic
status and the aesthetic development of the medium. It urged to go beyond a mere representation of reality
through particular shooting and printing techniques which were supposed to give a personal "touch" to
the image, while respecting the aesthetic canons of that era.
A philosophy that is not so far away from the concerns of today's adepts of digital image editing, after all..
But with a market constantly requiring immediate profitabilty, barely compatible with imaging techniques where the
artist's skilfulness and the medium's materials are coming between reality and mind, those processes were given up,
and replaced by silverprints first, and digital images later on.
It is not our intention to harshly criticize those modern techniques, nor to defend anachronistic artistic movements
or processes.
We simply try to bring together those interested in techniques corresponding to their artistic sensitivity, wishing
to share their research, successes as well as failures and put their enthusiasm in concrete form through joint projects.
Interested? Then this site is what you're looking for!